If you don’t know what an NFT is, you should start learning about it. I have been learning as fast as I can about NFTs at Clubhouse. The Clubhouse is an audio chatroom app that is only available on iPhones. You also need an invite. I would invite you but you only get 2 invites. You can get on their waiting list. The reason Clubhouse is so popular is that you can join any room that interest you and listen to the moderators who are often thought leaders in the space and then you can raise your hand, be invited to the stage, and then ask your question or share your story. So just like Twitter, you choose your interest and then join a room aka club. So I have joined the NFTs.tips club/room and have learned a ton of information from some super smart people. You can also go to their website and start your learning journey. They have many resources listed on the site. https://nfts.tips/

It helps to first understand what a blockchain is and the various use cases. Then you will understand the need for NFTs, its a way to verify ownership and track your sales very much like the way BMI verifies a songs ownership and pays royalties to the creators. You can assign an NFT to an object in our 3D environment or to a digital asset. This is where it gets awesome. NFTs will help reduce fraud in the collectibles market. As a creator, you experience your work being stolen. My first artwork was stolen in elementary school. Anyway, we have copyright protection but it’s on you to first discover that your work was stolen and sold without your permission and then the thief has to have made enough money from the sale of your stolen work to interest a lawyer to take the case. Using NFTs to release your assets into the marketplace allows the creator to track sales, it adds to the rarefaction of the asset and it makes it harder for the thieves to profit in the secondary market with knockoffs and duplicates. With NFTs you can verify that the asset was created by the creator and track the value path as it goes up in value over time. This is great because there are many paintings I have sold over the years that I do not know where they are now.

Digital artist now have a way to release their work into the marketplace and track what happens with it and see the value rise. There are many use cases that I am personally excited about. I am also excited to be meeting some people to collaborate with that can help me achieve my vision for my murals around the world project. I already feature my art and other artist in my AirBNB house, now I will be able to create a virtual version of the Bee Gallery.

I will continue to write about the use cases I am learning and hope to drop some of my artwork soon on OpenSea.

Everything you need to know is on this site. https://nfts.tips/